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An in-situ geotechnical investigation was conducted at a site in Temecula, CA, using the SPT. The SPT equipment includes a safety hammer with efficiency factor = 0.6, a 6" dia

borehole with borehole dia. factor = 1.05, a standard sampler with factor =1, and a nominal rod length factor = 0.8. The log the boring indicates that: a. Draw the profile neatly (tree on ground surface; denote water table; profile should be about the size of a credit card). p. Calculate the N6o for each sampled point. c. Calculate the undrained shear strength (clearly for the sampled fine soil points only). - Calculate the OCR for the sampled fine soil points. Calculate the preconsolidation stress for the sampled fine soil points. Calculate the friction angle for the sampled coarse soil points. g. Use a ruler (or Excel) to create a profile of the friction angle, i.e., plot the friction angle (x-axis) vs. depth (y-axis increasing downwards). The curve should have three data markers (points) only, no lines.

Fig: 1

Fig: 2

Fig: 3

Fig: 4

Fig: 5

Fig: 6

Fig: 7

Fig: 8