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Answer the following questions in a Word document:

1. What is a detent?

2. How is it used and for what?

3. What problems arose at General Motors because of the detent?

4. What caused the detent to fail? List two reasons for the failure.

5. List the before and after sizes of the detent.

6. How was the new size manufactured and no one knew that a new detent was being made?

This research ties right into what drafting and design is all about.

7. Discuss ethical concerns related to this issue and your thoughts on how this relates to you in the drafting industry.

Be clear, concise, and grammatically correct in your answers. Include references for your sources.

Note: #7 may contain a lot of opinion and be a relatively long answer. This is okay. Remember, ethics has to do with how we

determine was is right and wrong in society and organizations.

Your submitted assignment does NOT have to be in an APA paper format. Just numbered answers/discussion in a Word


Fig: 1