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Area A: A gravel pit has a capacity of 16million cubic meters. Owing to the possibility of high groundwater the Regional Water Pollution Control Board has restricted the lower 2

million cubic meters of fill to inert material only (earth, concrete, asphalt, paving,brick, etc.). This must be purchased and hauled to this area for the bottom fill. Area B: Capacity is 14 million cubic meters.For 20% of the city, the haul is the same distance as for Area A. The round-trip haul is 5miles longer for 60% of the city, and 2 miles shorter for 20% of the city. Cost of inert material placed in Area A will be $9.40/m³. Average speed of trucks from last pick upto disposal site is 25 miles per hour. The rubbish truck and a two-man crew will cost $210 per hour The rubbish truck and a two-man crew will cost $210 per hour. Truck capacity of 4½ tons per load or 20m³. Sufficient cover material is available at at all areas.of the sites do You recommend?

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