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Assessment Task

Writeaprojectreporttoinclude the following elements:

Element 1: Analyze the product requirements

PC1 Identify the problem and produce a design brief

PC2 Research into the problem and identify the requirements and constraints. (Consider such factors as:

Function, performance, the environment, aesthetics, ergonomics, safety, the customer, the culture, the law, Size, costs,

materials, quantity, time and manufacturing resources.

PC3 Produce a detailed specification of requirements (Product Design Specification)

Element 2: Design for manufacture

PC1 Sketch and annotate a range of creative ideas and for the product.

PC2 Model the best ideas in CAD and evaluate these ideas against design specifications.

PC3 Develop the final detailed design, including engineering drawings and diagrams to allow manufacture of the


Element 3: Plan for manufacture

PC1 Choose the sequence of activities to complete manufacture within in the required timeframe.

PC2 Select industrially accepted planning tools and techniques and use these to plan activities in detail. (e.g. Gantt charts

& activity planning sheets)

PC3 Evaluate the plan for accuracy, detail, clarity and conformance to instructions and requirements.

PC4 Modify the plan as necessary to overcome problems, unforeseen difficulties or developments that occur as work


Element 4: Complete practical work

PC1 Identify and prepare a suitable work area for manufacture of a prototype

PC2 Interpret drawings and job requirements to select and prepare appropriate tools, equipment, materials and parts.

PC3 Complete practical work safely and skilfully as planned to meet the design requirements.

PC4 Test and evaluate the completed product against design requirements and modify, repair or repeat as necessary.

PC5 Maintain the work area clean, tidy and ready for practical activities. (Tools, equipment and unused materials are

returned to appropriate storage areas.)

Element 5: Prepare a written project report

PC1 Write a formal project report outlining the project stages in a logical order. Including the development of the design

brief, the product design specification, design work, planning, and manufacture and testing.

PC2 Describe the processes undertaken within the report, apply correct technical terms or units and use appropriate

technical descriptions to reference diagrams, graphs, tables and equations.

PC3 Show the completed prototype and compare this with the original design brief and specifications.

PC4 Discuss areas for improvement in design and planning for future manufacture make recommendations for further


PC5 Discuss the environmental impact of the project and suggest how this could be improved, considering raw materials,

power consumption, pollution, waste etc.

PC6 List books and sources of research as recommended further reading and reference authors when text or graphics is

copied from any published source.
