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Assignment-1 (35pts)

Implement totally ordered multicasting using Lamport's algorithm. Each process conducts local

operations and numbers them as PID.EVENT_ID. After each operation is done, a process multicasts

the event to all other processes in the distributed system. The expected outcome of this

assignment is that events occurred at different processes will appear in the same order at each

individual process. To realize such a total order of events, each process maintains a buffer for

received events and follow the rules on slide 19 in Lecture 6 when delivering the events. In this

assignment, the delivery of events is simply printing them on screen, in the format of

CURRENT_PID: PID.EVENT_ID. HINT: You may use two threads in each process to handle the

communication and deal with message delivery, respectively. Refer to the multi-threaded server

example discussed in class. The communication thread enqueues updates in a buffer, from where

the delivery thread enforces a total order of events. The communication thread is also responsible

for sending acknowledgements for received messages.