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Assignment brief - Literature Review This brief contains key points only; for further detail, see slides from the Study Skills lecture from Dr Jessica Clarke on 2nd Feb 2024. Assignment: To write a 10-12 page review of the current literature on your assigned title Requirements: - Between 10 and 12 pages on Word or equivalent software, from Abstract to Conclusion (including figures and tables, not including references) - Font size 12, 1.5 line spacing (your choice of font; we recommend Arial, Times New Roman, Calibri, or other 'standard' font) - Fully referenced review (i.e. summary) of the literature - At least one figure or table The review should contain: Abstract (around 250 words) Introduction Body of the report (may be subdivided into several sections) Conclusion/summary Reference list Either Harvard or Vancouver referencing style may be used. Full details of the source must be included in the reference list. Marking guidance: Each of the following components will be marked according to guidelines provided to assessors, matching the brackets below. Scores for each component will be added up to provide the overall score. The pass mark is 50%, and one opportunity for resit will be available to any students scoring below this. In this instance, the student will be provided with constructive feedback on their first attempt before resubmission. The pass mark applies to the overall score, not to any individual components. Abstract - 10% Content - 30% Structure/Organisation - 20% Use of literature - 20% Presentation - 10% Use of language - 10% Excellent - 80% or more Very good - 70-79% Good - 60-69% Satisfactory - 50-59% Unsatisfactory - below 50%