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Assignment Details Following all these points, You need to write the literature review Use uploaded book only as a reference for writing the literature review section of my dissertation with title " Testing genetic oscillator for binary information" outline for writing 1.Research & Findings The first genetic oscillator to be discovered was known as the Goodwin oscillator, proposed by Brian Goodwin in 1965 with a theoretical model and studied computationally. In this model as shown in Fig. 1 (a), there is only one gene that represses the expression of itself. Figure 2(a) Topology of single-gene oscillator, which represses itself (b) Simulation results of the Goodwin oscillator. 2.Mathematical Modeling and Analysis 3. Applications in Binary Information Storage 4. Challenges and Future Directions 5. Summary Image are on pg 107 of the reference file Make sure to use the Design Principles of Synthetic Biological Oscillators section 7 mainly for the writing and the outline Word limit : 500-700 | Harvard Format | only use reference from the book pdf no external sources