Design, simulate the following with ADS (with and without parasitics),
compare your results.
Low pass filter: Transmission line filter with pass band edge
frequency 900 MHz and characteristics impedance 50 ohms.
Butterworth with pass band edge 900 MHz with 1 db attenuation in
Pass band, more than 30 db attenuation in stop band 2.7GHz.
3) Chebyshev with pass band ripple 1 db ripple in pass band 900 MHz and
more than 30 db attenuation in stop band at 2.7 GHz.
B. High Pass Filter same specification as A.
C. Band Pass Filter: Same as A with center frequency 900 MHz and
bandwidth 200 MHz.
D. Band Stop Filter: Same as A with center frequency 900 MHz and
bandwidth 200 MHz.
Fig: 1