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a) The visible region of the electronic absorption spectrum for compound 1 contains no d-d bands. In contrast, the visible region of the electron absorption spectrum for compound 2contains two

d-d bands. i.What is the oxidation state of titanium in compound 1 andcompound 2? ii. Identify the number of d electrons for the metal ions inthese two compounds? iii. Explain the differences in the number d-d bands observed in the electron absorption spectra of compounds 1 and 2.Your answer should include a relevant energy level diagram. iv. Compound 1 is stable over a wide range of pH (from pH 5to 12). Would you expect compound 2 to be stable over such a wide range of pH? Explain your answer. Hint:consider the hard-soft character of Ti in both compounds. b) Compound 3, an amino acid, exists in the form shown belowat pH 2. The pK values for 3 are 2.3 (-COOH) and 9.6 (-NH3+). i. Draw the form of compound 3 at pH 11 ii. What is the charge of the complex formed between threemolecules of compound 3 and one Zn ion at pH 11. ii Draw, by hand, the two geometric isomers of the complexion formed between three molecules of 3 and one Zn2+ ionat pH 11. Your answer should include the complete structure of the ligand when it is complexed to Zn*. Paste the scanned image, or photograph, of the complex ions you have drawn into your answer. iv. Would you expect the equivalent complexes formed between Cu2+ and 3 to be more less thermodynamically stable than the Zn2+ complexes? Explain your answer.(2 marks

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