that are used).
Keeping it Real
Before we break down the scientific method into steps, we should first talk about sources of scientific information (And yes, this is part of the standards you are expected to be familiar
with this.) Scientists (this includes students studying science) are expected use additional information and data when they are planning and conducting investigations. There are many
possible sources of information, but not all of them are equal. Scientists look for sources of information that are
accurate-correct, based upon supported data
relevant applicable, related to the topic of investigation
Many sources are not based upon credible scientific research. These sources may contain information that is biased and not accurate. For example, many non-profit organizations and
corporations may present data that is biased and completely ignore experiments when the outcome does not support their cause. The best sources of information are articles published in
peer-reviewed (reviewed by a panel of respected scientists) journals. When you are searching for reliable information on the internet, credibile information can often be found on
government web sites (ending in gov). These include such resources as NASA, national laboratories, and government agencies.
Q1. You are watching the news and see a news report about ground water
contamination. Curious, you want to know more about how it may effect your
community. From the following list of sites, select the one most likely to contain
accurate information about hazardous waste sites. Use this site to answer the parts of
this question:
1. Briefly, what is the Superfund and when was it started?
2. What Region is South Carolina in? What other states belong to this Region?
3. What is the name of the Superfund site that is closest to your home (and what
address and/or zip code did you use to locate it)?
4. Which site did you use to answer these questions? Why did you select it? (Why
did you believe this would be the more credible, accurate and relevant site?)
Fig: 1