producing "high-quality" homework (your product) in efficiently and on time.
For each problem use the structured problem-solving process: define the problem; plan the
treatment of the problem; execute the plan; check your work; learn and generalize.
1. Disk Drive Industry: Read the disk drive industry handout. Carefully study the functional
maps in Fig 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, and 1.7. For each map answer the following: (1) what is the
meaning and significance (value) of the map? (2) how would a disk drive company use this
map? and (3) what high-level conclusions can be drawn from the map?
Using the appropriate functional map attempt to predict the nominal price that a disk drive
manufacturer would charge (in "1982 dollars") for 1MB of memory in the year 2016?
Convert the "1982 dollars" price to an equivalent "2016 dollars" price, and attempt to
compare your result against some actual manufacturer's price.
Fig: 1