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BOOK REPORT: Entrepreneur's (Auto) Biography

If you enjoy reading biographical books, you may obtain credit for 4 SMALL BUSINESS REPORTS of your


*Please note that this book MUST be over 300 pages of normal paperback (Amazon Books will be the

arbiter of any disputes). If under 300 pages, you must complete an additional other presentation for

every 50 pages it is short (i.e. a 257 page book would could for 3 of the 8 and you'd do 5 total other 1-

page reports. 192 pages would count for 1 of the 8 and you'd do another 7 of the 1-page reports)

2 pages Single-Spaced, 12pt font, and 1" margins are expected for a 300+ page book that counts

for 4 one-pagers)

A cover page is requested WITHOUT ANY OTHER TEXT. Please copy the below

It should include the following:

o Book Title:

o Book Author:



Primary Subject in Book:

# of Pages according to Amazon:

Link to Amazon Book Page:

o Why you chose to read this book:

Explore the following themes in addition to any other you deem appropriate:


Name, hometown, education, professional background (degree, first-job, etc. whatever

got them their start), notable positions in their career, and how their career ended.


What are 3 key themes that the entrepreneur/author presents that are the key to


o What was the greatest challenge the entrepreneur overcame/succumbed to?


Is there an individual the entrepreneur credits with being the leading force being their

success (mentor, parents, competitior)?


Do they have a greatest accomplishment? Do they have a greatest regret?

o How has reading this book impacted you? Please go into great details./nSHOE DOG

A Me by the Creator of Nike



Fig: 1

Fig: 2