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a. Provide a screenshot of your Simulink Block Diagram and controller. Provide your PID gains. c. Provide a screenshot of your output (using a scope). 1 Provide a screenshot of

your control input (using a scope). Provide your overshoot in percentage and degrees. f. Provide your 1% settling time. Comment on the above process. What was easy and what was difficult? B(s)-For a system with the transfer function given by q(s)/v(s) = 50/2s+20sdesign a PID controller252+20sto rotate the system to a desired set point of 8 = 150°. Due to system constraints, you are only allowed to have an overshoot of 4% and need to have a 1% settling time of 0.5seconds. You will likely have to tune the PID gains of the controller to make this happen.

Fig: 1

Fig: 2

Fig: 3

Fig: 4

Fig: 5

Fig: 6

Fig: 7

Fig: 8