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By referring to the following scheme, distinguish between the four types of [6]reversible enzyme inhibition: competitive, uncompetitive, mixed, and non-competitive E - enzyme, S-substrate, I - inhibitor, KESs, KEI and

KESI are the dissociationconstants for ES, El and ESI respectively. On the same graph sketch plots of rate versus substrate concentration for: (i) an uninhibited enzyme reaction... (ii) the same reaction in the presence of a competitive inhibitor (iii) the same reaction in the presence of a non-competitive inhibitor. On the basis of the graph that you sketched in part (b), comment on therelative effectiveness of a competitive inhibitor and a non-competitiveinhibitor with similar KEI values in preventing flux through a metabolicpathway in vivo by inhibiting one of the intermediate steps.

Fig: 1

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Fig: 8