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Carlos and Theresa each conducted two separate but similar studies. They each had similar experimental design, similar sample sizes, similar effect sizes and the same alpha cutoff (0.05) for statistical

significance. However, Theresa got a p-value of 0.01 for NHST whereas Carlos got a p-value of 0.055, which made Carlos' study not statistically significant. The two classmates were perplexed by these results. What would be your diagnosis for why Carlos' result may not be statistically significant? Select all that apply.Note: Wrong selections result in loss of 50% points on this question. Please choose wisely. a. Theresa is hiding something O b. The power of this study was lowO c. One of their results could be a false positive or a false negative O c. One of their results could be a false positive or a false negative O d. Carlos did not perform the statistical analysis carefully

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