As part of each student's submission of their case project in week 12, they are required
to submit an action plan (maximum of 1,000 words) for their chosen case.
Each student is required to identify a company/organisation which has experienced a
major corporate governance/ethical issue or a series of smaller issues/dilemmas.
Students are not allowed to choose a case covered in the module textbook,
Tricker (2019), or a case older than 10 years. All students are strongly advised
to consult a file which the module co-ordinator has placed on the BlackBoard
Learn page for the module which identifies cases that the students CANNOT
cover for the action plan and the final case project.
The action plan is essentially a proposal and summary of work completed by each
student on their chosen case. The following issues should be addressed in each
student's action plan:
1. What company/organisation has been chosen for analysis, and why?
2. Students should provide a very brief summary of their case, and an overview
of the main corporate governance/ethical issues.
3. An identification of the main theory/theories relevant to the case.
4. An identification of some key literature relevant to the case. Students are
strongly advised to consult the guidance note on the BlackBoard Learn page
for the module for understanding and identifying what constitutes 'key literature'
relevant to their chosen case.
5. A summary of work completed to date and work still to complete. This should
include issues encountered and addressed, and issues to be addressed.
6. A draft timeline for completion of the case project.
Fig: 1