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Case study A hotel wants to introduce an online booking system service for its guests. To make their offer is as widely available as possible, they need to implement booking solution

allowing customers to browse the availability of the rooms, view pictures of the facilities and other amenities such as parking and place orders online. The hotel also provides discounts to members (frequent guests) and regularly emails members about special offers including discounts. The solution needs to support the following functionality. 1. On the admin side: a. Arranging offline system into room categories such Double, Executive, etc. ensuring rooms under modifications/unusable are removed from the booking system. b. Uploading pictures of the rooms and other facilities on offer. c. Creating reports on the room bookings for management. 2. On the customer side: a. Browsing the hotel system with rooms available for booking. b. Making a selection and booking of rooms c. Entering their information as a member or non-member d. Entering payment details and placing the order e. Leaving customer reviews.

Fig: 1

Fig: 2

Fig: 3

Fig: 4