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Choose the paragraph with appropriate spelling, grammar, and punctuation. Prepay now for this season's services and you will receive a 10% discount on the application price of four applications of

fertilizer--early and late spring, early summer, and fall--with old-fashioned manual weed removal at no additional charge. That is a savings of $22.83! Savings with prepayment Prepay now for this seasons services and you'll receive a 10% discount off the application prices of four applications of fertilizer (early and late spring, early summer, and fall) with old-fashioned manual weed removal. At no additional charge, that is a savings of $22.83! Prepay now for this seasons services and you'll receive a 10% discount of the application prizes for four applications of fertilizer (early and late spring, early summer, and fall) with old-fashioned manual weed removal at no additional charge that is a savings of $22.83! Prepay now for this season's services, and you'll receive a 10% discount of the application. Prices for four applications of fertilizer (early and late spring, early summer, and fall) with old-fashioned manual weed removal at no additional charge, that is a savings of $22.83! Prepay now for this seasons services and you'll receive a 10% discount of the application prizes for four applications of fertilizer (early and late spring, early summer, and fall) with old-fashioned manual weed removal at no additional charge that is a savings of $22.83! Prepay now for this season's services, and you'll receive a 10% discount of the application. Prices for four applications of fertilizer (early and late spring, early summer, and fall) with old-fashioned manual weed removal at no additional charge, that is a savings of $22.83!

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