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Consider a market where the price elasticity of the demand for streaming services is -0.6, the price

elasticity of demand for movie tickets sold during the evenings is -0.8, and for matinee shows is -1.75.

Suppose also that the cross elasticity of demand for movie tickets sold during the evenings with respect to

the price of streaming services is 0.2, the cross elasticity of demand for matinee movie tickets with

respect to the price of streaming services is 0.1, and the cross elasticity of demand for matinee shows with

respect of the price of evenings shows is 1. Moreover, the income elasticity of demand for movie tickets

sold during the evenings is 0.7, and the income elasticity of demand for matinee movie tickets is -0.3.

Use this information to answer the following questions.

1. Suppose that the price of streaming services rises by 7%; what is the percentage change

in the number of streaming service subscriptions? How would you characterize the demand for

streaming services? Draw a theoretical diagram demonstrating this change.

2. Suppose that the price of streaming services rises by 7%; what is the percentage change

in the quantity demanded of movie tickets for evening shows? Pay close attention to whether the

answer is negative or positive; the sign is important. How would you characterize the

relationship between both services? Draw a theoretical diagram demonstrating this change.

3. Suppose that the price of streaming services rises by 7%; what is the percentage change

in the quantity demanded of movie tickets for matinee shows? Pay close attention to whether the

answer is negative or positive; the sign is important. How would you characterize the

relationship between both services? Draw a theoretical diagram demonstrating this change.

4. Suppose the price of streaming services rises by 7%; by how much would the price of

movie tickets for matinee shows have to change for the quantity demanded to remain unchanged?

Indicate whether the price should increase or decrease. Draw a theoretical diagram demonstrating

this change.

5. Suppose that income increases by 12%; what is the percentage change in the quantity

demanded of movie tickets sold during the evening? Pay close attention to whether the answer is

negative or positive; the sign is important. How would you characterize the evening shows?

Draw a theoretical diagram demonstrating this change.

6. Suppose that income increases by 12%; what is the percentage change in the quantity

demanded of movie tickets for matinee shows? Pay close attention to whether the answer is

negative or positive; the sign is important. How would you characterize the matinee shows?

Draw a theoretical diagram demonstrating this change.

7. AMC Theaters is considering a 10% increase in movie ticket prices for all showtimes. If

you were consulted about this proposal, what would your advice be? Explain your

recommendation to AMC Theaters and the economic rationale behind it. Your report to AMC

Theaters must include the percent change in total revenue resulting from implementing the 10%

movie ticket price increase for both showtime groups.

8. What change would you expect in the number of moviegoers to the matinee shows if

AMC Theaters increased the movie ticket price for the evening showtimes by 10%? Draw a

theoretical diagram demonstrating this change.