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) Consider the language:

) (10pt) Construct a grammar, G₁, for P that is LL(1). Build its LL(1) parse table (as inFig. 2.20) to prove that it is LL(1). (10pt) Construct a grammar, G2, for P that is SLR(1) but not LL(1). Build its SLR(1) parsetable (as in Fig. 2.28) to prove that it is SLR(1). Prove also that it is not LL(1). Construct a grammar, G3, for P that is not SLR(1). Prove that it is not SLR(1). ) Show the parse tree and the left derivation for the string [([]) ()]$$ in G₁. ›) (4pt) Show the trace of the table-driven LL(1) parse (as in Fig. 2.21) using G₁ for the samestring. ) Show the parse tree and the right derivation for the string [([]) ()]$$ in G₂. (4pt) Show the trace of the table-driven SLR(1) parse (as in Fig. 2.30) using G₂ for the same string. The grammars G₁..3 above must have a production P → S$$, with P not appearing anywhere else in the grammar. The parse tables are built as done in the textbook, not as done by j flap.You can use jflap to help but you need to modify its output. Do not upload screenshots from jflap. Write your own tables.

Fig: 1

Fig: 2

Fig: 3

Fig: 4

Fig: 5

Fig: 6

Fig: 7

Fig: 8

Fig: 9

Fig: 10