chapter 1, both from the macro and micro perspectives. From which perspec-
tive(s) did your subject approach the start-up of his or her business venture?
That is, what were the motivating and enabling factors that suggested a start-
up might be viable?
Discuss and get their perspective on at least two of the entrepreneurial
"myths" outlined in the text.
Michael Gerber's E-Myth (see page 7) discusses the three types of people in
small business: the entrepreneur, the manager, the technician. Which do you
think is the predominant function of your subject? Explain.
Entrepreneurial mindset/ Personality characteristics
What are the main characteristics and essential skills that the founder(s) of
this company has employed that have led to success? Give brief examples
as evidence. (Ref. the lists and concepts in chapter 2.)
Do the traits you perceive in this person align with the traits he/she attributes
to themselves? Explain.