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COP3503 Class Commenting Standards Note: An example of the class commenting standards is provided on the next page for reference. Required Comment Types The following five commenting types are required: Project Comment The project comment should be located at the top of the class file containing the main() method, and should be in the Block style. The comment should include your name and the course number, as well as the project's number, title and due date. Finally, the comment should include a description of the program including its purpose, as well as any additional information the instructor might find interesting. Class Comments Class comments should be located above every class in the project, and should be in the JavaDoc style. The comments should include a description of the class' purpose, as well as any additional information, about the class, the instructor might find interesting. For projects with only one class, the description from the project comment can be copied for the class comment. Method Comments Method comments should be located above every method in the project, except the main() method, and should be in the Java Doc style. The comments should include a description of the method's purpose, a description of each input parameter, as well as a description of what the method returns, if appropriate. Section Comments Section comments should be located above each logical section of code, and should be in the Line style. The comments should describe the purpose of their respective section of code. Statement Comments Statement comments should be located immediately above or to the right of a line of code, and should be in the Line style. By default, the comment should be located to the right of a line of code; however, if the comment runs “off-screen", it should be located immediately above the respective line of code. A statement comment should only be used when the purpose of a line of code may not be obvious to another programmer. As a general rule, less than 10% of a program's code should require statement comments. Commenting Best Practices 1. Always align comments with the code they refer to. 2. Comments should serve to increase the readability and understanding of the code. 3. Comments should be short, but descriptive. 4. Comments should not be used for statements whose purpose is obviously clear. 5. Do not place blank lines between comments and their respective code. Commenting Example /* * Author: * Course: Ima Java Programmer COP3503 * Project #: 1 * Title : * Due Date: * Rectangle A/P Calculator 1/1/2012 * Calculates the area of a rectangle. import java.util.Scanner; /** * Calculates the area of a rectangle. public class RectangleClass { public static void main(String[] args) { // Variable declaration Scanner input = new Scanner(; int length, width, area; // Get user input System.out.print("Enter the length of a rectangle: "); length = = input.nextInt(); // Gets input from the keyboard System.out.print ("Enter the width of a rectangle: "); width = input.nextInt(); // Perform the calculation area = CalculateArea (length, width); // Display result to the user System.out.println("\nThe perimeter is Project Comment Class Comment Statement Comment Section Comment " + perimeter); } /** * Calculates the area of a rectangle. * @param length The length of the rectangle. * @param width The width of the rectangle. * @return The area of the rectangle. * private static int CalculateArea (int length, int width) { int area = length * width; return area; } } Method Comment/n COP3503 Project 3 - Work Order Generator Objectives: • Show an understanding of how to ○ Create class files that serve as templates for creating objects Setup inheritance and implement interfaces Read UML diagrams and implement the classes and methods outlined in the diagram Submission Requirements: • Submit your project via the Canvas course ○ ○ Upload a zip file containing your 9 .java files specified in the UML diagram The zip file should be named For Example: The zip file should contain the 9 .java files and only the 9 .java files Any additional files added to the submission will result in a loss of points Project requires 1 zip file to be submitted Design Specification Requirements: 100 points Use the Project 3 UML Diagram as an outline for the project. 1. Display the project title followed by a blank line 2. 20 points: Display "Loading Employee Data" to console a. Use the readEmployee method in the FileHandler class to load the data from the employee file i. Ignore the header in the csv file ii. Use the logger method to write the String "Loading Employee Data" to the log file b. The employee_data.csv file contains 2 types of employees tier1 and tier2 C. Read in each line and determine the type of employee i. If employee is tier2 create a Tier2Employee object with the data given ii. If the employee is tier1 create an Employee object with the data given d. All Employee and Tier2Employee objects must be stored in the Employee ArrayList in the Project3 class file. 3. 25 points: Display "Loading Ticket Data" to console a. Use the readTicket method in the FileHandler class to load the data from the 2 ticket files i. tier1_ticket_data.csv & tier2_ticket_data.csv ii. Ignore the header in the csv file iii. Use the logger method to write the String "Loading Ticket Data" to the log file b. Create Ticket objects along with their respective Customer objects for each row in the 2 ticket files. i. The readTicket method needs to return an LinkedList with the Ticket objects for the given ticket file ii. The returned LinkedList needs to be stored in the Ticket Queue in the Project3 class file 1. Tier1 tickets need to be saved in the tier1 ticket queue 2. Tier2 tickets need to be saved in the tier2 ticket queue 4. 25 points: Display "Creating Work Orders" to console a. Use the createWorkOrders method to iterate over the lists of Tickets and Employees to create WorkOrders for each Ticket in the 2 queues i. Call the constructor method in the WorkOrder class to create work orders for each ticket in the list 1. The WorkOrder objects created need to be loaded into the ArrayList in the Project 3 class file 2. The createdAt variable for the WorkOrder objects must be assigned the current date and time for when the work order was created. ii. Ticket assignment requirements: 1. Tier1 employees should only be assigned tier1 tickets and Tier2 employees should only be assigned tier2 tickets 2. A ticket should only ever be assigned to 1 employee 3. Every employee should have at least 1 ticket assigned to them 5. 30 points: Display "Writing Work Order Data to File" to console a. Create a new csv file called workorder_data.csv and write out the data for each WorkOrder object in the workOrderList to the file i. Use the writeDate method in the FileHandler class to iterate over the list of WorkOrders ii. Use the logger method to write the String "Writing Work Order Data to File" to the log file iii. Create a header for the csv file denoting what each row is storing iv. Use the getFileData method from the WorkOrder class to get the String V. containing all the data for the work order then write that String to the csv file 1. The returned String should be comma separated 2. The getFile Data method in WorkOrder should rely on the getFileData methods of the other classes (Employee, Ticket, & Customer) Use the logger method to write out the data to the log file for each WorkOrder object created 1. Use the string returned from the call to getFileData 6. Display "Work Orders created. Program Exiting" to the console a. Use the logger method in FileHandler to write the String “Work Orders created. Program Exiting" to the log file Note: Refer to the sample output in the Example Output section below. Style Requirements: Required Javadoc's: -10 points Each class and method declaration must have a correct Javadoc comment placed above it ○ Add your Javadoc comments last ○ Generate the Javadoc's using an IDE and verify no errors or warning are produced Naming Conventions: -10 points • Each class, variable and method must be named appropriately ○ Variables and methods always start with a lowercase letter ○ Classes always start with an uppercase letter 2 Minimum Requirements: - 100 points All 9 class files need to be created and all methods and variables shown in the UML diagram must be present The main method cannot be set to throw exceptions All class files must be set to inherit or implement the correct classes/interfaces as shown in the UML diagram Additional Notes: • Each class should have getter and setter methods for each class variable. This is not shown in the UML diagram but is required for the project • • Each method and variable outlined in the UML diagram must be implemented in the project. Additional methods and variables can be added if needed. Surround each input and output stream with a try catch. No error checking of file data required. The String class variables in Project3 need to be used to store the name of the files to be read in and created (employee_data.csv, tier1_ticket_data.csv, tier2_ticket_data.csv, workorder_data.csv) о You can assume the files will be placed in the working directory /eclipse-workspace/Project3/" csv file location" ○ The FileHandler method logger must be used to write to the log.txt file for the project ○ This method should be set to append to the log file, not overwrite it every time it is executed ○ Each entry to the log file needs to include the date and time the entry was written to the log file О • • • Refer to the example log file to determine correct format of the log file When outputting the work orders refer to the example workorder_data.csv for the correct format of the data and the required header Refer to the getFileData output file to see an example String of what should be returned when calling those methods O Each class's getFile Data excluding Person must use another class's getFileData method. Failure to leverage inheritance properly when setting up getFileData will result in a lose of points for each class not configured correctly Use the @Override notation when implementing the interface methods in the classes I suggest using the FileReader class wrapped with the Scanner class to read data in from file I suggest using the FileWriter class wrapped with the PrintWriter class to output data to the new file ○ Use the println() method to write to the file line by line You do not need to verify the files exist before reading in the data • Use the SimpleDateFormat class along with the Date class to get the current date & time Example Output: Project 3 Work Order Generator Loading Employee Data Loading Ticket Data Creating Work Orders Writing Work Order Data to File Work Orders Created. Program Exiting 3 Project3 + employeeFileName: String tier1 TicketFileName: String +tier2TicketFileName: String workOrderFileName: String employeeList: ArrayList<Employee> tier1 TicketList: Queue<Ticket> + tier2TicketList: Queue Ticket> +workOrderList: ArrayList<<WorkOrder> +main(args: String[]): void + createWorkOrders(): void FileHandler +writeData(workOrderFileName: String): void + readEmployeeData(employeeFileName: String): void + readTicketData(ticketFileName: String): LinkedList<Ticket> -logger(log:String): void firstName String lastName: String address: String Employee Person phoneNumber: String email: String Person(firstName: String, lastName:String, address:String, phoneNumber:String, email:String) + getFileData(): String (Getters/Setters for all instance variables) Customer - employeeld: String - clockedin String - hiredDate: String + Employee(firstName: String, lastName: String, address: String, phoneNumber: String, email:String, employeeld: String, clockedin:String, hiredDate:String) + getFileData(): String (Getters/Setters for all instance variables) - customerld: String -accountNumber: String + Customer(firstName:String, lastName: String, address: String, phoneNumber:String, email:String, customerld: String, accountNumber: String) + getFileData(): String (Getters/Setters for all instance variables) -certification: String Tier2Employee + Tier2Employee(firstName: String, lastName:String, address: String, phoneNumber:String, email:String, employeeld: String, clockedin:String, hiredDate:String, String Certification) + getFileData(): String (Getters/Setters for all instance variables) <<interface>> Printable + getFileData(): String WorkOrder Ticket - employee Employee - ticket: Ticket - createdAt: String + WorkOrder(employee: Employee, ticket: Ticket, createdAt: String) +getFileData(): String (Getters/Setters for all instance variables) customer Customer createdAt: String -ticketld: String + getFileData(): String + Ticket(customer: Customer, createdAt:String, ticketid: String) (Getters/Setters for all instance variables) 4