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D. Descriptive Statistics for Categorical (Nominal) variables

The number of times a particular value is repeated for a variable is known as a frequency or count.

Counts are expressed as a percentage or tally (e.g., total number in each category). To determine how

many men and how many women are employed by the bank we could create a frequency table.


• Using a pivot table, create a frequency table for the variable gender (employee gender). Include

counts and percentage.


Using conditional formatting, highlight the row in which the percentage for gender is

greater than 50%.

Using a pivot table, create a frequency table for the variable jobcat (employment category).

Include counts and percentage.

o Using conditional formatting, highlight the row in which the percentage for the job

category or categories is greater than 50%.


9. What percent of the bank's employees are male?

10. Which employment category includes the most people?

Fig: 1