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Define a class Flight. It is not a child of any other class. It must have:

*An ArrayList/list of AirlineSeats called Seats.

*A constructor which takes in a number of seats (int)

"It should populate the ArrayList /list of seats with that many seats. You should follow

these rules while creating seats:

*Seats 1-20 should cost $500, seats 21+ should cost $300.

*Seats 30-40 inclusive should not recline, all other seats should recline.

*A default constructor which creates 100 seats using the same rules as above. Hint, you can

just call the other constructor and pass it 100.

"A method called sellSeat which takes in a customer name(String) and seatNumber(int) and

returns void.It should search the ArrayList/list for the seatNumber and call occupySeat from

AirlineSeat passing it the customer name.

"A method called printManifest. It should take in no parameters nor should it return anything.

It will print out all the seats utilizing the toString/ToString override in AirlineSeat.