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1) In 1200 (+/-50, ~400 per city) words discuss the look of the climagraphs and the factors

affecting the climate of each city/town. You can consider things such as: latitude,

nearness to water, air masses, atmospheric and oceanic circulation, seasonality. In

addition, compare and contrast the factors that account for the climate differences

and/or similarities among the three cities/towns. References that are cited in your work

MUST follow the example set in the Term Assignment Referencing document. You are

also required to provide a Word Count in the top right corner on the title page of your

submitted document.

2) In the final three pages of your submission, provide a copy of the data tables (as illustrated

above) and your climagraphs for each of the cities on three separate pages (data table on

the top of the page, corresponding climagraph below). Also supply the latitude and

longitude coordinates of each of your cities.

3) Students are required to submit their assignments via D2L in a single Word.docx format.

Do not submit pdf (or any other format) files as this will result in a grade of zero (0) for

the term assignment.

Late penalty: 50% per day (not accepted if more than one (1) school day late unless a medical

certificate is submitted or other acceptable arrangements have been made and confirmed in

writing prior to the due date).


Strahler, A.H. and O.W. Archibold. 2008. Physical Geography: Science and Systems of the Human

Environment, Canadian, 4th Edition. New York: John Wiley and Sons Inc. 652pp.

Fig: 1