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DELIVERABLES: Instruction file is attached. Final object is temperature sensor given in fig(d); Experiment is two mugs analysing and comparing temperature change over 3 hours in one big mug and one

small mug full of tea. You have to submit the report and a video/word explanation for the hardware part (what the student will have to do for the hardware part for the project) Sample report is attacehd./n EG-137 - Assignment 1 Brief – 2324 Assignment 1- Data analysis and Simulation [40%, Individual assignment] The brief for Assignment 1: You have been supplied with a microprocessor data capture system (Arduino) and a sensor. You are tasked with devising an experiment where you investigate a suitable physical phenomenon using an electronic sensor to gather data. The aim of the assignment is to demonstrate that you can: 1. Design an experiment using the knowledge you have gained in the lectures. 2. Successfully connect the computer, Arduino, and sensor. 3. Program the Arduino to capture data. 4. Analyse the data in an appropriate way. 5. Present the data and draw any suitable inference. You will be given 4 objects as part of your module kit. The first 3 objects are common, Figure 1(a) — (c). The final object a sensor which will be one of 2 types of sensor Figure (d) — (e). DIGITAL (PUIT 1 lool UNO KUONGSHU (a) Arduino Keyes TOR1 (d) Temperature AS (8 A Morgan 07/09/2023 WACH (b) USB lead (c) M-F connecting leads HOOD: 10 LOUDS JUD 211 CL HC-SR04 111111101 Bit Or (e) Distance m 3) 12 Figure 1: Objects in the module kit The means by which these can be connected and programmed are covered in the lab sessions as part of the module delivery. EG-137 - Assignment 1 Brief – 2324 1. Report structure, submission and marking criteria The following outlines the requirements for the report and excel sheet which must be submitted for 40% of the module mark. 1. The main report document must be submitted in pdf format through canvas. 2. The MS Excel file should also be submitted in .xlsx format through canvas. 3. Each student must provide their own data. 4. The report documents will be passed through Turnitin as part of the submission process and will be subject to plagiarism analysis. This will be dealt in line with the University regulations. 5. Marks are awarded according to the criteria summarized in Table 1 with guidelines for assessment in Table 2. Table 1: Marking criteria. Summary Introduction and statement of aims and objectives Description of equipment experimental design, layout and method Analysis and presentation of the results Discussion of the results, e.g. how they could be improved Overall layout, novelty, clarity, language and structure Total A Morgan 07/09/2023 Summary 1. Introduction 2. Methodology 3. Results 6. The structure of the document should be in line with those given in the course notes on writing within the module. 4. Discussion 5. Conclusions 6. References 5% 10% 25% 25% 15% 20% 100 % 7. ppendix 7. There must be front cover page consisting of a student name, student number and summary. 8. The maximum number of pages for the document (including the front cover page is 8 pages) 9. The Arduino IDE code should be placed in Appendix 1 of the report with comments added to demonstrate understanding. 10. The structure of the excel document is open. EG-137 - Assignment 1 Brief – 2324 Table 2: Marking rubric mapped to expectations. % Poor <40% Adequate Below standard 40-50% 50%-60% Poor focus, Summary Introduction 10% and statement of aims and objectives Description 25% of equipment experimental design, layout and method 5% Missing or minimal. Analysis and presentation of the results improved Overall layout, clarity, language and structure 25% Discussion of 15% the results, e.g. how they could be Missing or minimal Minimal, experiment details No definite focus on aims Basic description only, no comments in code. Lack of Data is clarity, poor presented presentation only 20% Strewn with errors, lacking structure Display of Minimal results only discussion Poor language, minimal structure Generic, missing some key points Sets aims no justification Main points covered in description Code is in appendix Simplistic presentation and analysis Some scientific inference Informal language, some structure. Good 60%-70% Most key points summarized Aims stated, minimal justification Commented code. Some details missing in description Clear presentation, one complex analysis Demonstration of some science understanding Good layout & structure, clear language A Morgan 07/09/2023 Very Good 70%-80% Only minor points missing Statement of aims, mostly clear justifications Commented appendix code. Only minor details missing in description Clear presentation, one complex analysis with inference Key science points raised and discussed Referenced, high standard of explanation, clarity of language Exceptional >80% Concise summary of work Clear statement of justifications and aims Description which allow exact replication, Well commented code in appendix Clear presentation, more than more complex analysis Discussion of core science and impact Referenced, Exemplary academic English, structured with clear layout/n

Fig: 1