your pdf file as follows: CEAT Student Organization "Last Name, First Name"
1. Record the following logistical information about the meeting. (25 points)
Name of the Event/Opportunity
Date of Event/Opportunity
Time and place of Event/Opportunity
The activity you did / topic of the meeting
2. Minimum paragraph overview of the meeting (was there food, a guest speaker, an upcoming activity, are you
interested in going again, upper classmen you already knew or met (and a little about them) - minimum of
paragraph but can be more!!). As always, this should be typed. Check grammar, etc before submitting as this
will factor into your grade. Visit a writing center if you need help proofing. (50 Points)
Proof of Attendance - Selfie at event with participants or officers of the organization (25 points)
4. If this is submitted before the week of September 26, you can earn 5 points extra credit./nASSIGNMENT DESCRIPTION
In this assignment, you will further explore opportunities to get involved with a CEAT Student Organization. The goal is to
assist you with becoming involved on campus and also exploring the resources and opportunities available to you in CEAT.
You may NOT use an event or organization attendance that has already been covered by another course assignment.
A list of CEAT Student organizations with links can be found in our home page
Fig: 1
Fig: 2