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Demonstrating Knowledge of Current Relevant Research

Prepare answers to the following questions to demonstrate your depth and breadth of

knowledge of related research using APA 7 formatting and appropriate citations.

Literature review must be double spaced and size 12 Times New Roman font and should

not exceed 12 pages excluding reference page.

Directions: For this question, you will be creating a literature review organized around

greater themes of empirical studies surrounding issues of educational inequality. Choose

15-20 articles that are roughly 7,000 to 10,000 words to discuss. Be sure to not simply

list each study but rather organize your discussion around themes that have emanated

from your exploration of the three chosen frameworks. You must also include the three

chosen frameworks below in the literature review.

The three theoretical frameworks that are chosen to address this issue are social

constructivism, social learning theory, and identity theory. These theories are

chosen because they all address the issue of inequality in education, in one way or

another, from different perspectives. The focus and the issue of this paper is to address

the inequalities among low-income families education in perspective of these following


1. Social Constructivism- The role of social interaction in the creation of

knowledge is underlined by the theory known as social constructivism. Due to the

fact that it emphasizes how frequently kids from low-income families do not have

access to the same opportunities as their more affluent counterparts, this theory is

pertinent to the discussion of educational inequality. The cycle of poverty may be

prolonged as a result of their inability to acquire education at the same level.

2. Social Learning Theory- According to the social learning theory, it is crucial to

observe and model other people's conduct. This hypothesis is pertinent to the

debate over educational inequality because it emphasizes how frequently students

from lower-income families do not have access to the same resources as their

more affluent counterparts. They might not be able to pursue the same level of

education as others due to this lack of access, which might prolong the poverty


3. Identity Theory- Identity theory focuses primarily on how crucial it is for people

to create their own identities. Since it emphasizes how people from low-income

homes frequently have a separate personality than their richer friends, this idea is

pertinent to the discussion of educational inequality. The cycle of poverty may be

exacerbated by this difference in identity, which can also cause a sense of

exclusion and a lack of chances.