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Des1A Sketchbook Studies - Workshop 5 Time in Architecture 01st December Aims: 2. The objective of this session is to consider the aspect of time and its influence on architecture. The

workshop looks at how some architects have been influenced by time on the design process and we consider people, habitation and activity within a building. We would like you to keep developing techniques using mixed media to create expressive, layered drawings. Process 1. Practice drawing people We ask you to develop techniques for drawing people and capturing movement- within a space. Include all attempts your sketchbook. Storyboard a key experience at the Marylebone campus The storyboard should: -consist of 6 frames -show the architecture of the campus and how it is activated by people. -Include at least one POV drawing (showing a person's hands or head in the foreground). -Include at least one layered drawing showing how a space changes over time. Complete and enrich your drawings for homework. Deliverables: Incorporate all habitation and storyboard drawings in your design sketchbook. Include different drawing mediums, don't be limited to pencil.

Fig: 1