
Description: This assignment will require students to create an enterprise architecture describing a service delivery business and IT systems, based on a background of an Australian federal government agency responsible for

the delivery social welfare support for citizens, i.e. the Department of Human Services¹. The assignment is worth 35%, as individual-based activity. The assignment will require students to apply modelling techniques taught through the unit's business and enterprise architecture lectures: • Business architecture in developing a characterisation of what an organisation does, through business capability models, and high-level process value streams to further detail business capabilities (lectures 2 and 3); • Enterprise layered architecture, which translates business capabilities and value streams into more detailed scenarios which are modelled as ArchiMate models (lectures 4 and 5). Scoping of Tasks & marks: (1) Business architecture: Marks: 14/35 The business architecture component will involve reading and analysing the assignment brief (see below) and developing a multi-level business capability and related value streams. Students will be given the overall business capability map and asked to complete the one of the business capabilities. The capability will need a graphical model and textual description describing each capability as described as part of it. All assumptions made will be required to be briefly described. (ii) Enterprise architecture Marks: 21/35 The enterprise architecture component will involve reading and analysing the assignment brief (see below) and developing a layered ArchiMate model in terms of the business and IT application layers only. The IT infrastructure layer (i.e. hardware and middleware platforms) is NOT required./nEnterprise architecture Marks: 21/35 The enterprise architecture component will involve reading and analysing the assignment brief (see below) and developing a layered ArchiMate model in terms of the business and IT application layers only. The IT infrastructure layer (i.e. hardware and middleware platforms) is NOT required. 1 This case study has been adapted from general information about the Department of Human Services and its service delivery processes. It reflects an 'authentic assessment' for the IAB401 assignment. The information presented in this document does not strictly reflect actual business details and IT systems undertaken through the department, for reasons of confidentiality, currency and real-world complexity. 1 The model should be described in terms of a scenario-style explanation. The ArchiMate model should capture key aspects of the business and IT service delivery systems: all key business roles and the business actors that correspond to them, business services, business channels, business collaborations between roles, business processes, software application services, software applications and software application components. Any key business information used in the business processes should also be modelled. All relationships between modelled elements should be provided. A key highlight of the model should be the alignment between modelling elements in business and IT layers, so that it is clear which parts of the business use specific IT applications. All assumptions made will be required to be briefly described. Assessment: 1 Relates to learning outcomes: 2, 3, 4 Weight: 35%

Fig: 1

Fig: 2