HINTS: You can plot the root locus of the open-looptransfer funciton to find the ultimate gain K, and AssessmentDesign a PID controller so that the closed-loop stepresponse achieves the following objectivessimulteneously: Rise Time: T ≤0.4 second ■ Overshoot: P.O. ≤ 15% Zero steady-state error RequirementsThe following requirements are for assessmentpurposes. pidstdInclude the following MATLAB functions inyour codes.tf; step; stepinfo; feedback; ■ Store your closed-loop step response in y(output angular velocity vector) and t (timevector). The values in y will be used toevaluate your step response characteristics.Examples, evaluate your step response characteristics.Examples,% Tcl is the closed-looptransfer function[y, t]= step (Tcl)% steady-state erroress = abs(1 - y(end))% Peak timeassessStep = stepinfo(y, t);We will test ifassessStep. RiseTime <= 0.4
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Fig: 1
Fig: 2
Fig: 3
Fig: 4
Fig: 5
Fig: 6
Fig: 7
Fig: 8
Fig: 9
Fig: 10
Fig: 11
Fig: 12
Fig: 13
Fig: 14
Fig: 15
Fig: 16
Fig: 17