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Each chiller has a minimum and maximum flow rate. The maximum flow rate is governed by the physical limits

of the chiller pump. If a chiller tries to operate with a flow below its minimum flow rate, then the chiller may

overheat and be damaged, so if a chiller is operating, its flow rate must never be below the minimum flow

rate. Each chiller also has a maximum capacity (kWR). It is not possible for the chiller to achieve cooling above

that maximum capacity. We need to consider these capacity constraints when estimating kWE for a given

required flow rate and temperature difference. If the required flow rate is less than the minimum flow rate,

then we simply assume that the minimum flow rate will be delivered instead. If the required flow rate or

required refrigeration is beyond the chillers capacity, you should simply return the estimated KWE as infinity

(-) to indicate that the cooling load cannot be achieved by that chiller alone. Both chillers have a minimum

flow of 12.0 L/S, a maximum flow of 23.0 L/S and a maximum capacity of 600 kWR. These capacity constraints

should be incorporated into the functions that you use for estimating the KWE for each chiller.