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Each project will have the following /imance and drawings may be from an outside enumel Iman overall images of the project, Construction and/or other images that describe the wucture, Images of

details (joints & connections) of the project Free Body Diagram (FBD)-sketches, diagrams and drawings are to be done the student: o Describe the structural elements o Use colored arrows to describe force flow-red for tension, blue for compression Other drawings: Plan(s)-focusing on the structural organization of the project, Section(s) to describe the structural aspects of the project, Axonometric structural diagram Additiona and organization of the project. onal diagrams as needed to describe uynamic Written description of the project, what the structural/construction system is, structural materials of construction, how it works, and how it integrates with other aspects of the project (program, sustainability, circulation, overall organization/diagram of the project, HVAC, etc.) Diagrams, drawings and images are to be scanned (or imported) and assembled into a clear, comprehensive, professionally executed presentation on 11" X 17 paper with the correct format and titleblock. Digital versions are to be handed in on the due date. Hard copies are required. File Naming and Archiving Standards for the work are to be submitted to Brightspace. Print hardcoples and post to the walls in advance of the beginning of class for all pin-ups.

Fig: 1