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ENGR 102 - Fall 2022

Lab: Topic 8 (team)


There are several deliverables for this team assignment. Please submit the following files to Canvas and


• ascii_clock_planning.pdf

• where XX represents the initials of the team member


Activity #1: Top-Down Design of a Program - team

Following the process described in the lecture, as a team perform a top-down design for the program

described below. AFTER you plan your program, write the code.

Write a program to take as input from the user a time and display that time using ASCII art. Format your

output using the examples shown below. Draw each digit three (3) characters wide and five (5)

characters tall, using only spaces and that digit. Draw one space between numbers. Draw the colon one

(1) character wide. You do NOT need a leading zero or blank space for times earlier than noon.