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ESG PerformanceLaunched Group ESG Strategy.appointing first Chief Sustainability OfficerEmCap raised AED 69bn of sustainable capital from loan and debt markets1st Bank in UAE and GCC to join UNEP FI's NZBARaised first sutainability linked loan:32%of FAB's Senior Management are womenKP11:Women in senior management50%of the Khalifa Fund portfolio is managed by FABKP12:Reduction in water consumptionLend,invest and facilitate bsuiness of 72bn USD by 2030Masdar Green REIT1st Sustainability linked aviation loan of 1.2bn USDESG Certification of 130 employees762K new Ratibi prepaid cards issued in 2021Wealth Management and Sustainable Investment FrameworkSigned upt o UN PRI-Principles for Responsible Investment

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