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Exercise 3: (1) Research Matlab commands, affine2d, imwarp, imrotate, imtranslate, imresize.

(2) Read the image, cameraman.tif. Scale the image in the following different ways. (a) 2 times of

x, 2 times of y. Here x is the horizontal direction (columns), y is the vertical direction (rows); (b)

2 times of x, 0.5 times of y: (c) 0.5 times of x. 1 time of y.

(3) Read the image, cameraman.tif. Rotate the image in 60°, -60°. Compare different interpolation


(4) Read the image, cameraman.tif. Translate the image to [10 20], [-20 50], [20, -30].

(5) Read the image, cameraman.tif. Choose your own values to create vertical and horizontal shear


Fig: 1