medical products. Development of these products requires personnel with highly qualified skills. FAB
corp regularly recruits people with right skills so that a constant flow of innovative products can be
developed. Many employees possess terminal degree such as PhD in Chemistry, Pharmaceutical
Science, and Technology. The Research and Development department is the most crucial department
in this organization. Even after paying high salary and benefits, good employees leave. Some leave
because they are not satisfied and some leave for better opportunities. Because of the high job profile
of the employees it is difficult to recruit highly qualified employees. Rather it might be easier to retain
them if the causes of dissatisfaction and attrition are identified early.
You will write a one-page story that will answer the following question.
1. Based on a specific profile of employees who have quit (i.e. Attrition = Yes), what specific
strategies will you suggest to stop employees from quitting their jobs?
Please see the following details for this assignment.
1. This is an assignment to be done in pairs. Make sure that both partners contribute to the
assignment. Mention in a separate paragraph, the responsibilities of each member of the team
2. Use of pivot tables and charts might be helpful in this assignment
3. The assignment MUST include two and a maximum of four visualizations based in Excel
4. The page limit of this story is one page including visualizations. You can consider this
assignment as a poster with visuals and text.
5. Submit only the assignment document on canvas and not the dataset. Do not upload the
visualizations separately.
6. Follow the principles/concepts of storytelling and visualizations covered in modules 1 and 2.
Fig: 1