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First Choice: Design a Simple Database using Ms. Access 2013-365 (any DATABASE of your choice) The Database (your project) must include, using: Tables (1 to 2 tables) The tables are the

backbone and the storage container of the data entered into the database. If the tables are not set up correctly, with the correct relationships, then the database may be slow, give you the wrong results or not react the way you expect. So, take a bit of time when setting up your tables. Design view Design view gives you a more detailed view of the structure of the form. You can see the Header, Detail, and Footer sections for the form. You cannot see the underlying data while you are making design changes; however, there are certain tasks you can perform more easily in Design view than in Layout view. Datasheet view In the Open dialog box, select the database that you want to open, and then click Open. On the Create tab, in the Tables group, click Table. A new table is inserted in the database and the table opens in Datasheet view.. The Lookup Wizard The Lookup Wizard establishes a relationship between tables. It creates a foreign key that refers back to the primary key of another.