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Create a table including all major components of the combined gas turbine and vapor power cycle to be analyzed for the semester project (see image). For each component in the

combined gas turbine and vapor power cycle, you will need to build a table (Table 1) in which you 1) identify the component, 2) write the simplified mass balance for the component,3) write the simplified energy balance for the component, and 4) include all of the major assumptions used in analyzing each component. You should either write the equations by hand or use an equation editor(make them presentable). Also, describe how you would calculate the thermal efficiency of the total plant based on the energy flows. For each state (1-9) in the combined gas turbine and vapor power cycle , you will need to build a table (Table 2) where you list all of the known properties for each state based on the complete problem statement in Isidore (only for the combined gas turbine and vapor power cycle). Notice in Table 2 you may not be able to find all of the properties. If you cannot find a property, list what you think you would need to know to find that property? Example Table 1: How do you find the total efficiency of the combined cycle powerplant? Example Table 2:

Fig: 1

Fig: 2

Fig: 3

Fig: 4

Fig: 5

Fig: 6

Fig: 7