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Functional java code with comments


In a Sudoku game, we have to re-construct a grid with 9 rows and 9 columns. Each row and

column must contain all integers from 1 to 9.

You must create software that allows you to load Sudoku grids from files, manipulate the grids

(placements, checks), then finally reproduce the grids again either on the screen or in files.

Sudoku files contain a series of triples of numbers separated by spaces, where each triple

corresponds to:

x: line number.

y: column number.

z: value

In computing, we most often number columns and rows starting with zero.Requested

Features/Classes Your program must do three specific things:

Load a file containing data in the specified format (a sequence of triples of numbers separated by

spaces). You can choose the approach you prefer. The file can be retrieved online, by opening a

file on your disk or by standard input (stdin). Your code should handle read errors.

Validate that the file corresponds to a valid Sudoku board. That is, it must correspond to a 9x9

table where each digit from 1 to 9 appears only once per column and only once per row. For the

purposes of this work, we do not require that each 3x3 sub grid contain all the digits 1 to 9 (you

can do this additional check if you wish, however). In case of an error, your program must

generate an exception.

Your program should then apply a transpose to the table corresponding to a transposed matrix

calculation and display the result on the screen. Instead of displaying it on screen, you (as the

programmer) can save it as a new file or use another means of transmission. Choose the

approach that appeals to you the most as a programmer. You need to test your solution with more

than one grid; In particular, include a grid that is asymmetric (that is not identical to its

transpose) in your tests. Give the result of at least two different tests, beyond the part1.txt file.

You can use screenshots to present your results.

Fig: 1