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Global Settlement: Patterns and Sustainability Part 1: Creating a Poster For this assessment, you will create a poster on which types of land use should be given priority according to the

scenario provided. The city of Toronto is seeing an increase of people migrating from rural areas to urban areas. This influx of people moving to the city has resulted in proposals being made to expand development into a pocket of land near arable land used for farming. This pocket of land also would be beneficial to the farmers nearby to expand their arable land area. This is land that has been able to provide food and crops to the city of Toronto for many years. Some local residents feel that the pocket of land should be used for recreation and that the city needs more parks, gardens, and movie theatres instead of housing development and farmland. Stop and check to see if your poster has the following: . A title Pictures Reasons why this land use is preferable for the area

Fig: 1