• In this assignment you will implement a class which can be used to create a CNN or modify existing models.
• You may use Tensorflow Keras, Pylorch, or any other API for your implementation.
• There are two files in the unzipped directory. The "cnn.py" file is where you are to implement the network model and all necessary helper functions. The "test_cnn.py" file includes the unit test modules.
• You DO NOT need to rename these two files according the submission guidelines. Just modify the first four lines of these files according to the assignment submission guidelines.
• The "CNN" class is 'stubbed out and your task is to implement the unimplemented functionality within the given structure.
. DO NOT alter the structure that is given. You may introduce additional helper methods, but do not alter function names or argument structures.
• The comments and docstrings provide additional information that should help with your implementation.
• You should write your own test modules to test the "evaluate" and "train" method of your class. You should submit your test functions in a separate module which is named according to the submission
guidelines. This means that your module should be named YourLastName_04_03.py
• The test_crin.py file includes a very minimal set of unit tests for the crin.py module. Part of the assignment grade will be based on your code passing these tests (and some other unspecified tests)
• You may modify the "test_cnn.py" to Include more tests. You may add additional tests to help you during development of your code. The changes that may make to the
"test_cnn.py" file will not be graded.
• You may run these tests using the command: py.Lust verboud teat_en.py