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IMPORTANT: Do not write 'scripts' for your notes. This means you cannot write in full sentences or paragraphs. We will take away your notes if we deem them to be scripts. Speaking Assessment: Seminar B Discussion Questions You should be prepared to discuss any of the questions below. At the start of your assessment, you tutor will tell you which question you should discuss in your group. You will have 10 minutes for your discussion. Question 1: According to the European Space Agency, the cost of the International Space Station, including development, assembly and running costs over 10 years, comes to €100 billion. This money is paid by people's taxes. Do you think this cost is justified? What is the benefit of this to wider society? Could the money be better spent? Question 2: Space flight is extremely risky and bad for one's health. However, there have been numerous medical and technological advances due to the scientific research involved in space research, including brain imaging techniques, heart pumps, etc. With reference to examples of the risks and benefits, discuss whether space research is worthwhile. Do the advances outweigh the risks? Are there less risky and expensive ways of improving medical research? Would the advances mentioned have happened anyway? Question 3: Stephen Hawking said that we need to invest in space travel if we wish the human species to survive, due to the coming environmental disasters that will result from population growth and climate change. Do you agree with Hawking, or do you think that instead we should focus on trying to solve the problems we face on earth? Give reasons for you answer. Show less

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