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Independent Study - Overview


The goal of this independent study is to go beyond the scope of this class and explore Big

Data field in the direction of your interest that was not covered in the class.

For this independent study, your job is to choose a Big Data topic of your interest that is not

covered in the class, explore the topic and learn the related techniques and skills, and finally

implement a Big Data task using the acquired techniques/skills.

Part 1 - Proposal (due July 12) (25%)

Propose 2 topics of your interest related to Big Data challenges, solutions, and techniques

that were not covered in the class.

Rank your two topics in order of priority. For this independent study, you are required to

explore only one topic. You must start from your first choice topic. However, during this

study, prior to part 2 submission deadline, if you don't feel comfortable with your first choice

topic, you can switch to your second topic. Just note that you can only make this change

prior to part 2 submission deadline. You can no longer change your topic after submitting

the first draft of the final report (part 2 submission).

For each topic,

• provide a brief description

• identify the specific learning objectives you will pursue (at least 3) (to make this list, you

might need to dig more into your topic and explore the things you will learn along the


make a list of potential resources to study

• propose a Big Data task related to your topic that you can implement using the

techniques and skills you have learnt

If your topic involves any analysis or modeling a dataset, the dataset size must be at least 50


Deliverables - a single document of proposal

Fig: 1