Student had already done 80% after that student is getting trouble
First 5 file are the main files contains instructions,codefile and makeup,test file, and
bitmaskingdemo and sample output
You will get all needed files in these files only
Main problem that the student face is :
when running the code with the compiler im getting getting 0 hits and its only processing two
addresses as shown in this image
PS C:\Projects\School\Operating Systems Assignments\Assignments\assign3> ./demandpaging readswrites.txt 4 8 8
Processing trace #1: 4323168
Looking up mapping for address: 4323168
No valid mapping found for address: 4323168
Allocated new frame for address: 4323168
Processing trace #2: 4323200
End of access mode file reached unexpectedly.
Page size: 4896 bytes
Addresses processed: 2
Page hits: 0, Misses: 2, Page Replacements: 0
Page hit percentage: 0.00%, miss percentage: 100.00%
Franes allocated: 1
Bytes used: 220
PS C:\Projects\School\Operating Systems Assignments\Assignment3\assign3>
It needs to be similar to the output in "sample_output.txt" (file 5)when i run my commands in the
command line interface
student needs:
I just need the code implementation to be correct so that it matches the output.txt when i run all the
commands in my command line interface, as my code will be submitted to an autograder that runs
several different tests
Fig: 1