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Introduction: Complete a "Spiritual Life Inventory" to document the

various stages of your faith journey, and then develop an individualized

plan for your own spiritual growth and formation.


1. Complete the "Spiritual Life Inventory.pdf," a companion assessment

tool from The Critical Journey textbook. This tool identifies your home

stage of spiritual development and suggests moving from stage to

stage. Chart the results on page 9--OR transfer your answers to

this self-scoring page-- that creates the chart for you.

2. Given your results, read Buker's "Abiding in the Vine: A Relational

Model of Spiritual Formation."


3. Write a 1,200-word first-person paper that a) explains the Critical

Journey stages of faith, b) discusses how your results chart reflects

your understanding of where you are currently in your spiritual

development, and c) offers a personal plan that indicates how you will

use and apply the results of your assessments to foster your own

spiritual and personal growth.

4. Include the results (a completed copy of page 9) of your Spiritual Life

Inventory as an appendix to your paper. This can be a photo from your

smartphone or a .pdf file inserted into your MS Word doc./nAssignment: Upload your completed assignment to Assessment 2:

Spiritual Life Inventory & Formation Plan Dropbox.

Click the title of this project

"Drag and drop" your project OR click "Upload" to find your project

and then click "Open."

Click "Submit to Dropbox"

Fig: 1

Fig: 2