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Instructions: Watch the Ted Talk video "The Puzzle of Motivation" by Dan Pink and

write a reflection paper. Be sure to include coherent writing and have solid formatting

throughout the paper.

You should follow the below structure/questions as a guide:

• Introduction: Write a summary of the video in light of theories covered in the


• Analysis Section:

1) Assess the motivational techniques (both extrinsic and intrinsic) used at your


2) Describe the techniques you were able to identify and assess their

effectiveness in your work environment. Are they effective or not?

3) For any of the techniques that were in effective, provide suggestions for

increasing the effectiveness of those techniques.

Note: When writing the analysis section of your paper, feel free to focus

on a few analysis questions and examine it at a deeper level. Deep,

integrated thoughts are much more valuable than simply listing up

various ideas.

Conclusion: Write a conclusion of the paper

• References: List of books, chapters and/or articles cited in the text.

Fig: 1