Search for question


O Include brief and relevant background information. Provide

suitable and correct in text references

Body: Add a paragraph for each part of the question. Provide suitable and

correct in text references. Consider using Tables and Figures to convey

the information.

Topic sentence stating the main points

O Sentences elaborating each point with supporting evidence

O Concluding sentence summarising the points, linking to next


O Conclusion: reiterate the claims in the introduction and refer back to the


Reference List: include a FULL list of all references that you cited.

O Include ALL authors in reference list/nEssay Prompt

Monkeypox is an emerging disease in the UK.

Using the evidence base write 500 words


1. Identify the available monkeypox vaccines

and explain how they work

2. Identify which members of the population

should be vaccinated and why

In your essay, you must:

• Use appropriate sources and reference

them correctly

• Stay within the word limit (500 words)


Fig: 1

Fig: 2