it is expected that students record themselves presenting on their cho
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It is expected that students record themselves presenting on their chosen classification of
drug and develop a PowerPoint. Students must follow the format outlined below and are
highly encouraged to use props for creativity. A copy of your PowerPoint presentation,
which also follows the outline below, must be uploaded to receive full credit.
Introduction Slide (s)
○ Give a detailed overview of what the audience will expect to
learn from your presentation. Include the reasons why you
selected this classification of drugs and what you expected to
find from your research. If applicable, include a brief, personal
story or case example that impacted you during your research.
History of the Drug (s) Slide (s)
0 0
Where is its origin?
It is synthetic, semi-synthetic, or a natural substance?
Level of popularity in the United States
Societal Views of the Drug (s) Slide (s)
O Are people more accepting of those who use this drug versus a
"harder drug?"
Do trends reflect more use by certain genders, ethnicities/race,
religion, regional areas, educational level, or level of social
economic status (SES)?
Description of the Drug (s) Slide (s)
O What is it?
How is made?
What does it look like?
Street Names Slide (s)
Most people do not refer to drugs by the chemical or formal
name. What is it typically called on the streets?
Method of Use/Abuse Slide (s)
What are the different ways this drug can be used (e.g., oral, IV)?
Short Term/Long Term Effects Slide (s)
What are the short and long-term effects on the body (e.g.,
physically, cognitively)?
Effects on the Brain Slide (s)
○ How does it impact the brain?
O How long does it typically take the brain to recover from this
Treatment Options Slide (s)
What evidence-based treatment options are available?
○ Identify any pharmacological treatment options
○ Typical length of treatment?
O Identify aftercare (post-treatment) recommendations
Conclusion Slide (s)
What was most surprising about your research?
Be creative -Students may embed one video, no longer than two minutes, within the
PowerPoint presentation. In the past, students have opted to include a video that further explains how a specific drug effects the brain (NIDA for example) or a testimonial
(Foundation for a Drug Free World); Note that a list of approved online resources has been
provided. In addition, props (if appropriate) are strongly encouraged for visuals. For
example, one student presented on inhalants. She searched her home for various products
that could be inhaled and lined them up on a table. The visual was powerful due to the
number of everyday products that are harmful if used as an inhalant. A second example is
a student who used colored water and various sized drinking glasses to show what
constitutes one alcoholic drink (NIAAA).