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JFET Project


Study Sec. 4.5 (textbook).

Design an n-channel Silicon JFET with a Pinch off voltage of -20 V with following


Gate width = 0.1 cm

Use only Phosphorous or Born dopants

Physical design parameters must be reasonable and feasible for JFET fabrication

Hand Calculations:

a) Must tabulate all parameters obtained, the device geometry as well as any other

unknown parameters such as the channel thickness, channel length, doping densities,

carriers mobility, built-in potential, and turn off voltage (VI).

b) Calculate substrate's resistance used.

c) Calculate Ipat and Voat for VG at 0 V, -5 V, -10 V, -15 V, must tabulate.


d) Submit Library file for JFET

e) Examine (hand-calculated) Vr from part (a)

f) Examine results in part (c) show both hand calculations and ORCAD on graph